- All work submitted to Smart Quill is confidential and will not be discussed or disseminated in any way without the client's consent.
- Copyright to the work remains with the client and editorial work completed by Smart Quill requires no acknowledgement or credit.
- Where a job is accepted, Smart Quill aims to complete within 3-6 weeks or within the deadline specified, but failure to do so will not be considered breach of contract.
- Smart Quill will not commence editing until payment has been proffered and cleared. Payment can be made by bank transfer.
- For the fee, Smart Quill undertakes to read and deliver one editorial report only of the nature agreed in email correspondence or selected directly from the website.
- Smart Quill will discern where a line edit is preferable to a structural edit, and will advise the client accordingly.
- No refunds are available where an editorial report has been completed and delivered.
- If anything in the specified editorial report requires clarification, the client is permitted to ask a maximum of five follow-up questions.
- Editorial reports and the contents therein are strictly confidential. Do not share, forward, extract or quote in part or in full without the prior consent of Smart Quill.
- Where a client is eligible for Agent Recommendation, they will be informed upon delivery of the purchased report. Subsequent to the satisfactory completion of any editorial work required, Smart Quill, in collaboration with the client, will compile a list of three agents only to approach on the client's behalf. The final decision as to which agents are approached and in what order rests with the client.
- Agents will be approached one at a time, and feedback passed on if appropriate after every submission.
- Agent Recommendation will be offered or withdrawn solely at the discretion of Smart Quill.
- Where Agent Recommendation results in an offer of representation, Smart Quill will take 10% only of the first deal to eventuate from the association.
- Where a prior relationship with an agent exists and is declared by the client, Smart Quill will not process the recommendation and will not levy the 10% finders fee.
- Where the client is referred to Smart Quill by an agent, that agent has first exclusive look and no recommendation will commence until the submission is formally turned down.
- Smart Quill aims to communicate promptly, honestly and discreetly. It is the client's responsibility to voice any concerns about any part of the editing/recommending processes. All editorial reports, agent recommendations, digital direction and other correspondence is professional opinion only, based on publishing experience, and not in any way legally binding.
- All clients will be kept apprised of new services, events, and industry information via the Smart Quill Newsletter, but clients may unsubscribe at any time.